Eye Care Services
Eye Care Technology
Eye Care Technology

Eye Care Services
Optomap Retinal Exam
The optomap is a digital retinal imaging system that takes an ultra-wide field image of the retina, capturing about 95% of your retina. This provides us with a better view the retina, aiding in diagnosis and identification of ocular changes.
iCare Tonometer
A new device that uses a light probe to make brief contact with the cornea to measure Interocular Pressure (IOP). Requiring no drops, it makes it checking IOP to identify diseases such as glaucoma more pleasant for patients.
ZEISS Corneal Topographer
A non-invasive imaging device for mapping the surface and curvature of the cornea. Since many refractive errors result from changes to the shape of the cornea, it is important to have an accurate image of the shape of the cornea.
Synergeyes Hybrid Contact Lenses
Syngereyes contacts combine a “hard lens” center and a soft skirt to provide wearers with the clear, crisp vision of a “hard” lens and the ease-of-wear and comfort of a soft lens.
Humphrey Matrix Visual Field Machine
A tool for the diagnosis and followup of glaucoma as well as other ocular diseases. The visual field machine checks for loss of peripheral vision, detection of retinal disease, optic nerve disease, and other conditions.
Computerized Visual Acuity Charts
Visual Acuity is a measure of the clearness of one’s vision. Computerizesd visual acuity charts randomize optotypes and allow for patient interaction with a remote. This eliminates operator bias and records reaction times.
Cirrus OCT
OCT, or Optical Coherence Tomography, is a non-invasive imaging test that uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of your retina. The images help with detection of eye disease, diagnosis and treatment guidance for retinal conditions.
Varilux X Series 4D Nanotechnology
Varilux X Series lenses are the most advanced progressive lenses on the market. Eliminating distortion and providing greater edge-to-edge clarity than any other progressive lens option. Varilux X Series lenses extend your vision to encompass everything within arm’s reach, so you don’t have to tilt or angle your head to find your focus.