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16 Eye-Healthy Meal and Snack
Meal and Snack Ideas That Promote Good Vision Did you know that March is both Save Your Vision Month and National Nutrition Month? The combination makes it a good time to talk about healthy foods that are not only good for your general health but also good for your...
Digital Eye Strain
Digital Eye Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention In an age of digital overload, you demand a lot from your amazing eyes. Let’s take a good look at how prolonged screen time is affecting your eyes, and how you can protect your vision. You can’t remove...
5 Tips for My Younger Self to Prevent AMD
5 Tips for My Younger Self to Prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration Who among us doesn’t wish we could step back in time and change things we did when we were younger? Maybe you bought a cool but cheap car that turned out to be a lemon, caused an accident...
How To Reduce Your Risk for Eye Cancer
How To Reduce Your Risk for Eye Cancer (And All Cancers) February is National Cancer Prevention Month: A great time to review practical ways to reduce your risk for becoming a cancer statistic. The National Cancer Institute estimates that 2 million Americans were...
6 Winter Eye Wellness Tips
With winter comes dropping temperatures, cold winds, and low humidity — all of which bring unique challenges to caring for your eyes and vision. Though you might be tempted to ignore cold weather eye symptoms, don’t! Be aware of symptoms including eye...
Glaucoma Myths vs. Reality: 10 Things You Need to Know
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. Glaucoma is a serious eye condition, but it isn’t widely understood. Called the “silent thief of sight,” glaucoma is a group of diseases that raise eye pressure and slowly damage the optic nerve, causing permanent...
How to Protect Your Eyes and Celebrate Safely This Holiday
It’s the MOST wonderful time of the year (cue the music) -- and it’s all about the hustle and bustle of getting a lot of things done in a short period of time! Unfortunately, most of us don’t take the time to think about the potential hazards to our...
Flex 125 Spending Account Funds: Time to Use it Or Lose It
5 Scenarios To Avoid Next Year By Using Your Flex 125 Funds Today Why Your Flex Savings Account is a Tax Savings Superhero for Eyewear It’s the Holiday Season! Everywhere you look, there are decorations, lights, and people in good spirits! What a wonderful time...
10 Ways to Safeguard Diabetic Eyes
Protect Your Vision: 10 Essential Tips to Safeguard Diabetic Eyes It’s a fact: Living with diabetes means that you are more likely to experience vision problems. But here’s another fact: You can help prevent diabetic eye disease or slow its progression by...
What is Diabetic Eye Disease?
6 Questions (and Answers!) About Diabetic Eye Disease November is American Diabetes Month. With more than 38 million Americans – 15% of our country’s adult population – experiencing diabetes, it’s an important time to bring awareness to this...